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Giving back to God



We sincerely thank you for your interest in supporting the ministries of our churches.  To help you be consistent in your tithes, offerings, and support of our ministries, we offer several ways to give.

献金方法 How to give?


  1. チェック / Check
     宛先: 1281 E Route 66, Glendora, CA 91740


  2. 直接銀行預金 / Direct Bank Deposit
    Bank Name: Bank of America
    ABA#: 121000358
    Account#: 000519005201


  3. ゼル / Zelle
    宛先: Gospel Siloam Church

もしくは、Zelle QRコードをスキャンすることもできます。

Alternatively, scan the Zelle QR code below.

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